In the morning we started making the ~5hr drive to the Icefield, with a stop in Jasper. Along the way we started to run out of gas. We began making plans to hitchhike to the nearest gas station and back if our car stopped. Worst part was that on the entire stretch of the highway, there was no cell phone reception so we couldn't call for help if we wanted to. That was one of the most nerve-wracking moments of the trip. The gas light kept flashing and we were at the final moments when we were able to pull into the Icefield parking lot. We went in to the centre to ask the information desk for help on what to do. At that moment was the luckiest moment of our trip. Connected to the centre is a hotel, and the guy calmly told us to go there as they sold gas. We were instantly relieved and went to purchase some for maybe double the price that it would have been at a gas station. I think we bought half a tank? But then the guy who filled it up for us did it all the way so we got lucky again hahah.
After that we were off to the Icefield. We went on these huge buses that brought us on a ~15min drive onto the glacier. At the glacier we had maybe 20 minutes to walk around and collect some glacier water.

Up ahead you can see a very steep incline (a lot steeper than it looks in pictures)