Another random photos post of everything that's happened in the past few weeks/months/Instagram shots/etc...
Above: My room + Williams Landing dinner. Lovelovelove their apple salad!

Trump Hotel slippers I took home + my day at the Trump Hotel (more about this in my next post)

Pravda night + desserts I found in the kitchen of Trump

Lenin & the gold balloon at Pravda.

More of Trump + Chocolate lollipops from Stock

My two colour co-ordinating phones.

Dinner at Blowfish last week.

Watermelon Sake Sangria + Ribeye Enoki Rolls..two of my favourites at Blowfish!!

Lunch last Monday at my favourite restaurant, Canoe !

One of their most popular dishes, the scotch egg (my favourite)

The food was good but the portions were tiny.

This post archived in: Toronto + Favourites