A few months ago, someone told me that they were so pissed off at the world that they were thinking of just packing and moving the following week to Mexico. I think I know how he feels now..that's exactly what I feel like doing at the moment. I may even become a hermit the next month. This has been a horrible week..I'd say 80% of it is because of school and the rest has to do with other stuff in life..which is actually a result by all the stress from school. It's only been my first week back and I'm already extremely overwhelmed by all the projects, assignments, readings, etc..every moment when I'm not doing readings and taking notes, I feel like I'm wasting time. And it's not like I'm procrastinating a lot either - I've been doing a lot of my marketing modules..my new Moleskine is already filled up halfway from all the notes. I gotta restock now..I have a feeling I'm spending almost the same amount of money on those things as I will be on my 2 textbooks this semester lol. =\
I feel like I'm living two different lives these days, and just stuck in between. I'll elaborate more on this another day.
So glad it's friday tomorrow. I really need some time to catch up on sleep and relax a bit. Two nights ago I only got 3.5 hours of sleep (8am classes = death). This morning I accidentally slept in and woke up 10 minutes before my class was supposed to start, so I panicked, got ready in 10 minutes and made it to class 15 minutes late. I didn't even have time to eat. I had a couple classes back to back until 6pm, which means I didn't get a chance to eat until after that. It's a wonder I still haven't passed out yet.
This week I've had Japanese food literally everyday..it was my "Japanese Week" with Henri & Jason from my building. I met Henri at the bar a couple months ago since he's always having dinner there..this week he decided he got sick of 1 King West food & to have Japanese instead so they invited me out. With all the stress from school it's nice to at least be able to have a proper meal. I haven't done that in the longest time..usually I just get takeout to have back at my place if I feel like having a meal..or half the time I'm just eating snacks. I have such an unhealthy lifestyle.

You're so lucky that you live near convayor belt sushi like the boats. I love those! Unfortunately there is none where I live. I hope school gets better and less stressful. Take care! =]
ReplyDeleteHey i really really enjoy your blog, very interesting and fun to read. like you i am a 19 year old student in toronto blogging about my expirences, and i just have a few questions about how to make blogs look sooooo awesome... if you could help that would be wonderful. thanks :)
I'm glad you like my blog!
ReplyDeletehmm I can try..what do you need help on?
Well i really really like how ur posts are displayed, how did you make it like that?
ReplyDeletejust go to the settings, where you change your layout preferences..& choose one of the "stretch" layouts
ReplyDeletehahah I love it..we should go someday. I haven't seen you in so long!!