A quick update to my previous post on GME: I have since sold *most* of my shares and managed to make a pretty good profit from it all. I will keep the rest as I do believe in the company's future prospects and the big squeeze. Of course I didn't manage to sell at the peak ($483)..although I forced myself to gradually trim my position on the way down (which I am grateful for now lol) as I didn't want to be a bagholder. Now it's sitting at around $90. If Robinhood and the media didn't stop the momentum and start spreading fake news, it would have gone way higher. But when I first bought, I thought that reaching $100 would be its peak/best case scenario. If it drops under my dollar cost average I will buy more for the long term. Another "meme stock" that I think got unfairly dragged down with it is Blackberry (I do not believe in the other ones such as AMC or Nokia) - I bought some maybe a month ago and managed to make 200%+ in unrealized gains..now it dropped back to when I initially bought lol. I believe in the long term prospects of the company as well so I will keep holding for now..
So here are some photos from the modern art museum and our adventures around Rabat! I am really enjoying the city now.

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